How to stop auto update in windows 8
How to stop auto update in windows 8

how to stop auto update in windows 8 how to stop auto update in windows 8

You can also disable this feature, manually, without using Desktop Central. You have disabled the Automatic Updates feature using Desktop Central. Configure the execution settings as required.Sub-Key: Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU.Enter the following information in the Registry Configuration section:.Enter a name and description for the configuration.In the Computer Configurations section, click Registry Settings.In the Add Configurations section, click Configuration.To disable Windows Automatic Updates using Desktop Central, follow the steps given below: You can disable this feature if you have a specific routine for updates or if your connection does not support running this feature automatically, for example running this feature automatically slows down your computer. The Automatic Updates feature provides you with updates for your Microsoft Windows operating system and its components like Internet Explorer. This document provides you with steps required to disable Automatic Updates in Microsoft Windows manually or using Desktop Central. How to disable automatic updates in Windows desktops and servers?

How to stop auto update in windows 8