How to get multiple followers in skyrim
How to get multiple followers in skyrim

You actually need to go into the console and click on what you want to kill. This includes the console window, so if you want to re-enable your HUD you will have to do it blind!

how to get multiple followers in skyrim

If something is attacking you, it will stop.

  • tcai - Toggles Combat Artificial Intelligence.
  • Freezes enemies, but if you attack something they will attack back!
  • tai - Toggles Artificial Intelligence.
  • qqq - Quits the game! If you want to do that from console for some reason.
  • This does not move your character! Enter "tfc" again into the console to disable. You can use the left and right mouse button to go up and down. Probably good for screenshots if you'd like to take some (combine it with "tm" which removes your menus). Allows you to float around outside of your body.
  • tmm,1 - Adds all map markers to your map! This is likely not reversible (there's a lot of markers) unless you don't save, so use this with caution!.
  • player.advlevel - Forces a Level Up, but doesn't give you any perks.
  • psb - Gives you all the spells in the game.
  • how to get multiple followers in skyrim

    tcl - Turns on no-clip mode, which means you can fly and walk right through walls.toggleimmortalmode - If you don't want full god mode, but you don't want to die you can use this command.tgm - GOD MODE! This makes it so you cannot be killed and you can carry as much as you want without worry of weight!.This is a good indication you've selected what you are looking to manipulate.

    how to get multiple followers in skyrim

    You will see a code come up in the middle of the screen that is the objects id number.

    how to get multiple followers in skyrim

    means you actually need to click on the specific thing you want to interact with while you are in the console window. You can go pretty high with the Carry Weight number, so feel free to jack it up to over 2,000 if you want! Skyrim Console Commands List

    How to get multiple followers in skyrim